Cozy Library

the best place to study during holiday :P
the best place to study during holiday πŸ˜›

Tidak seperti anak undergraduate yang punya liburan semester sampai 3 bulan lamanya, kami para graduate tidak punya waktu untuk berlibur. Meski demikian, kami tidaklah bersedih.. Sebab, kami bisa bersemayam di salah satu tempat yang asik buat liburan di kampus, yaitu Perpustakaan. Maklum, students disini pada gila belajar semua, ga heran perpustakaan penuh terus, terutama selama musim ujian. Jadi selama anak-anak itu pada pulang kampung, Yihaaaaa… selonjoran di perpus mah oke2 aja.. kosong bow!! Tadi aja sempet ngliat ada yang memanfaatkan kekosongan ini sebagai tempat pacaran.. hihihi.. πŸ˜›

Sebenernya kenapa sih saya suka ke perpustakaan?

10 Reasons Why I Go ToΒ  IRC UTP Library :

10. The interior design is awesome. Surrounded with books.

9. Conducive environment for study (also for sleep).

8. They have many cooking books : start from slow cook up to fast cook, beginner up to expert. Good wife wanna be.. πŸ˜›

7. They have many language books esp Tagalog. teehee.. πŸ˜›

One of my buddy, Dr. Emishaw from Ethiopia
One of my buddy, Dr. Emishaw from Ethiopia

6. Friendly librarians.

5. Swift wireless connection.

4. Large Tables.

3. Newest Magazines.

2. We can borrow books up to 20 books for 4 months.

1. Everyone will keep they voice low.

Up to now, this library has more than 200,000 volumes of collection and they plan to provide 300,000 volumes by next year in order to be at par (average level) with the standard set by Persidangan Perpustakaan Negara dan Perpustakaan Akademik (PERPUN), the national monitoring body for academic libraries in Malaysia.

The largest library in the world is Library of Congress at Washington DC, founded in 1800, this library stocks over 29 million books (newest update : 30,011,748 volumes). While the oldest library is National Library of the Czech Republic at Czech Republic, founded in 1366.

Hope someday IRC UTP could be one of the largest library and also to be the oldest library in the world. Good luck UTP.. \:D/

[*] Top 10 List on the Ten Largest Libraries in the World

10. New York Public Library

New York City, NY, USA

Founded in 1895, this library stocks over 11 million books.

9. Vernadsky National Scientific Library of Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine

Founded in 1919, this library stocks over 13 million books.

8. Harvard University Library

Cambridge, MA, USA

Founded in 1638, this library stocks over 13.1 million books.

7. Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia

Founded in 1969, this library stocks over 13.5 million books.

6. British Library

London, England

Founded in 1753, this library stocks over 16 million books.

5. Deutsche Biblothek

Frankfurt, Germany

Founded in 1990, this library stocks over 18.5 million books.

4. National Library of Canada

Ottawa, Canada

Founded in 1953, this library stocks over 18.8 million books.

3. Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences

St. Petersburg, Russia

Founded in 1714, this library stocks over 20 million books.

2. National Library of China

Beijing, China

Founded in 1909, this library stocks over 22 million books.

1. Library of Congress

Washington DC, USA

Founded in 1800, this library stocks over 29 million books.

[**] Top 10 List on the Ten Oldest National Libraries in the World

10. National Library of Denmark

(Kongeligie Bibliotek). Copenhagen, Denmark

Founded in 1653

9. National Library of Finland

(Helsingin Yliopiston Kirjasto). Helsinki, Finland

Founded in 1640

8. Zagreb National and University Library

Nacionalna i Sveucilisna Knjiznica. Zagreb, Croatia

Founded in 1606

7. National Library of Belgium

Bibliotheque Royale Albert 1er. Brussels, Belgium

Founded in 1559

6. Munich, Germany

Bayericshe Staatsbibliothek. Munich, Germany

Founded in 1958

5. National Library of Malta

Valetta, Malta. Founded in 1555

4. National Library of France

Bibliotheque Nationale de France. Paris, France

Founded in 1480

3. National Library of Italy

Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. Venice, Italy

Founded in 1468

2. National Library of Austria

Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek. Vienna, Austria

Founded in 1368

1. National Library of the Czech Republic

Narodni Knihovne Ceske Republiky. Prague, Czech Republic

Founded in 1366

Wow.. I wish i could visit one of the historical libraries and taking lots of photos.. πŸ˜€ *Narsis mode*

Well, Semoga perpustaakan di Indonesia juga makin lengkap bukunya ya.. Selain karena lokasi dan lingkungan yang kondusif, saya senang ke library karena saya teringat akan slogannya Oom Tantowi Yahya, “Ibu adalah perpustakaan pertamaku”. Jadi semangat belajar nih.. demi anak..demi anak.. πŸ˜›

Begitulah kegiatan saya hari ini (baca : ngadem di perpus). Namun sangat disayangkan karena saya kehilangan socket 3 points (di Malaysia kaki colokkannya ada 3) untuk laptop. Jadinya langsung pulang ke asrama de.. belajarnya udahan de.. πŸ™‚

PS : Saya belom ikutan pemilu nih.. kertas suaranya belom dateng juga.. 😦

Tapi gpp deh, berdasarkan hasil quick count, SBY-Berbudi menang sementara dengan perolehan suara 60,84% coy.. hihihihihi.. senangnya hatiku.. Lanjutkan GAN!! πŸ™‚

oiya, sebanyak 468 korban swine flu udah transit di Malaysia nih.. dan tadi dapet berita kalo di kampus juga udah ada 1 orang yang kena..


Di tempat lain apa kabar ya?

List Source :

Author: Shanty Vitamin Bagus

Hai! I am Shanty, an Indonesian wife & mother who lived in Malaysia with a Filipino husband and 3 beautiful thinkers.

22 thoughts on “Cozy Library”

  1. Alasan yang menguatkan tekat untuk terus betah diperpus sangat meyakinkan dan masuk akal tapi itukan perpus neng bukan kamar masak perpus buat tempat tiduran siih hehehe..
    Oia aku lagi bagi-bagi harta gono-gini,,diambil yaa bagiannya hehehe…

  2. kelimaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    asyik akhirnya kelimaxx, puass deh hi hi hi
    baca dikamar sendiri aja deh hi hi hi
    tapi nyari buku pinjaman dulu *ngacirrr*

      1. tapi boleh makan dalem perpusnya ta? kalo bole, kayanya peluang bisnis yang bagus tuh… secara kantin jauh banget kan?! *kedap-kedipin mata :D*

  3. waw..waw..
    keren perpusnya..bagus2..jangan bosen2 belajaaar!! hahaa..

    btw,shanty… u’ve got award. diambil yaa πŸ™‚

  4. wew.. asik bener tu perpus yaa.. bener pengen juga bisa berkunjung ke salah satu perpur terbesar dan atau tertua di dunia.. wuih…

    hopping someday Indonesia has a great library like that..

    @ quinie..: iii…makanan mulu de…hahahah..

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